Wednesday, October 15, 2014


     When going over our project on Memorial Coliseum, we all agreed upon interviews being the best source and insight to our information to further our projects research. To get all of our interview's done in a timely manor, we assigned each member to a certain person of interest to interview. My interview's that I will be preceding with are from the student body stand point and their thoughts on the Coliseum. This will give us insight onto what Memorial Coliseum looks like to a wide range of students.
      When given this audience to interview, I knew I could easily do my friends and take the easy way out of the interview process, however, I plan to interview a wide range of different people that all may see the Coliseum in a different light. This entailing, seniors to freshman, to people that never have stepped foot in, to people that may play a sport that is held in the coliseum. Seeing the range of thoughts and views on just a few distinct students around campus will really give the viewer a good feel to who you can see there, and also the student bodies insight to Memorial Coliseum.
       I firmly believe different stand points on the same topics is a crucial part to getting the full feel for something. As I go about these interviews, I plan on asking the same questions to each individual and record their answers. When reviewing my transcripts it will be very intriguing to compare and contrast the Coliseum through different lights. Since I am choosing to do multiple interviews just for my assigned role, not every interview will be filmed to be featured in our documentary, as some may be quoted. I really look forward to starting my interviews with different students and see how Memorial Coliseum stand within their mind.

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